Wednesday 27 March 2013

The Democrats of Pakistan

The Dictator is IN and Principled Democrats of Pakistan, PML-N & PTI are Out

It is amazing to to note what has happened to the most vocal Punjabi; Shahbaz Sharif? Until recently he wanted to hang the elected President of Pakistan upside down. Why is he not raising his vice and mobilising people to bring the Dictator to Justice?

Where is Nawaz Sharif? The principled politician who took no time to take the President of Pakistan to Supreme court on so called "Memo-Gate"? Why is he not knocking at the door of Supreme Court regarding the dictator?

What has happened to the rest of PML-N? The party that draws pride from their 'struggle' for Democracy and 'pushing' the Dictator out of the country? Why they are not raising their voices?

Where is the biggest hypocrite of our political elite: Imran Khan? 'He will not take oath from a 'criminal' president'. But he took oath from a Dictator (Gen. Musharaf). According to the hypocrites of PTI, the current Goverment has been collaborating with USA regarding drone attacks and the person who claims that he agreed all the collaboration, is not getting their attention at all. The 'Purified' Imran Khan cannot see that the person who suspended the constitution, the person who committed   crime against Pakistani  people and the one who was accountable for all security ills for which he held PPP coalition Govt. respnsible, is in Pakistan. He should take this person to the INDEPENDENT supreme court for;

Taking Pakistan into 'American War'
Drone attacks on Pakistan
Terrorism inside Pakistan like Hazara community in Quetta (where he went to condole people)
Resultant destroyed economic environment
Murder of so many innocent Pakistanis and significant personalities due to the fact that Pakistan was ' taken into' American war.

If these parties cannot take Dictator to Justice then they have no right to say that they will give our beloved country, Pakistan, a different direction.

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