Thursday 4 April 2013

The Democratic Selection

The democratic process gives people the right to select their representatives and this process of selection through casting votes, based on simple majority, is called election in Pakistan.

The political parties or the people in their individual capacity offer their candidature to the public to select them.

The law enforcement agencies are entrusted with law and order and in coordination with the justice system make sure that the environment is conducive for the public to use their right to selection without any influence. At the same time, these institutes make sure that no individual or the Organization able to influence the selection process, through ballet, through unlawful means.

The election commission's role is to make use of the infrastructure to provide each candidate level playing Field. For instance creating n upper limit for expenses and making sure that limit is followed by all individuals irrespective of their party affiliations or individual candidacy.

But no government institute or the election commission should create rules that restrict any individual from offering candidature. If some one is a tax evader then it is not election commission's work to disqualify the candidate. It is the work of the relevant department to use the justice system to bring the culprit to justice. The election commission, even if notified about any such credential issues, should categorically reject to get involved. Whether the political parties conduct intra-party elections, a candidate defaulted on a loan or couldn't pay a utility bill should not have to do anything with their candidature.

The election commission should run awareness programs, arrange transportation for the masses, coordinate law and order situation and try eliminating any departmental influence to favor an individual or a party contesting. Any individual or organisation threatening to use unlawful force to influence the elections by intimidating a particular group must be sorted outwith zero tolerance.

If the masses are given peaceful space without any influence then it is the right, duty and jursdiction  of the people to eliminate the loan defaulters, tax evaders that they have been made aware of  by the activities of the election commission. The election commission should not take this elimination process under its wings. Otherwise the people will have limited affiliation with the successful candidates 'pre-qualified' by the election commission. In that case the whole purpose of having election commission and election will be defeated.

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