Monday 8 April 2013

The Defence of Pakistan

'A Pakistani base is attacked and 24 solders are killed'. The News feed from the ISPR.

Although no one saw any deadbody nor the actual site of the incident. There was neither any proof nor any confirmation that there was an actual attack by the US forces and that solders were actually killed at the site. The incident 'did take place', according to the Pak Army and its ally, the US. An  apology was demanded by the Pakistani Army which was denied by the US.

The Military immediately, after the attack, stopped all supply routes to Nato forces in Afghanistan and demanded an unconditional apology. The ally 'refused' to apologise. The 'stage' was set and 'performers' started performing their roles.

Next in line was ISI's proxy wing comprising of the rightists & extremists who were instructed to formulate Defa-e-Pakistan organisation for highlighting US's brutality and refusal to apologise. The actors performed their role better than their wages and made their paymasters happy. They organised different relies and public gatherings in all the major cities of Pakistan. The media was already fed to highlight the activities of the organisation and everything was working according to the plan. The new platform threatened to bring to halt the Government of President Zardari should the Govt dared to open supply routes again. Profound rightist Imran khan, along with other center-right parties voiced his opinion against the Government and accused them of being the 'servents of America'. The government was blackmailed into sorting a new way to collaborate with the US.

The Government convened an APC (All Parties Conference) and all political parties devised new 'rules of engagement' with the US. Hence the responsibly of 'engagement' with the US & War On Terror was successfully transferred to the 'bloody Civilians'. The military was no more responsible for all the evils associated with the 'cooperation' with the US in Afghanistan. Although, even as of today all dealings are as they were before and political elite has no clue about military dealings or operations: kept strictly between Pakistani Military and the US.

Lets say all of the above is wrong. Everything mentioned above is conspiracy theory.Then why this Defa-e-Pakistan is not on the roads shouting 'President you lead, we all are with you' (Zardari Qadam Barhao, Hum tumhare saath hai)? After all, President defied US and acted in Pakistan's best interests by signing the agreement with Iran. They would surely come out on roads to provide support to the President of Pakistan and send a clear message to the US that President enjoys full public support? Is it not what they had been demanding of him by holding large rallies?

If not then one must not fool oneself by trusting the story masterfully narrated by the Gods-of-all in Pakistan that there was an attack by the US forces on Pakistani checkpost killing 24solders, US refused to apologise for the horrific act and that Parliament were to decide about Pakistan's cooperation with the Allied forces in Afghanistan. It is, infact, was a very planned way to transfer the responsibility from Militray to Politician that cooperation with the US was granted by the Parliament and not by a military regime. As was the case with the so-called Memo-Gate scandal. When the then ISI head very cleverly transferred all the attention from Military to the Government following the gross failure of our Military to protect the borders and could not do anything to stop US marines attacking Abottabad and sending the terrorist to hell.

Pakistani people must decide to make all institutes answerable to the Parliament, even if that means a struggle for 100 years. Pakistan's future lies in open and transparent democracy.

Sunday 7 April 2013

The Punjabi Media

As in case of all walks of life in Pakistan, the media is dominated by Punjab: predominately conservative and hence by default against left and right-left parties like ANP & PPP.

The programs' default design is against a particular group. In this program, for instance, three pieces of news were picked, all against PPP. This segment of the program is supposed to be about current news items about current government officials. When the PPP government was in power it was about the office holders of PPP. Now the government has changed. Instead of commenting the activities of current Interior Minster (as supposed to be according to the segment's purpose) but former Interior Minster is still being discussed. Since the purpose didn't allow to malign PPP, the purpose was ignored altogether along with facts: the government has changed.

So what is the purpose of this segment: to make public aware of the activities of their representatives in funny way or malign the 'chosen' ones? If the purpose of the segment is to highlight the activities of formers then why only PPP? First there was a coalition government and then  there was an interior minister in Punjab as well. Did this program malign the interior minster f Punjab for horrid things happened in Punjab like killing of two brothers in broad day light?

Mr. Malik was fighting with enemies that the whole world has been fighting for the last 12 years in Afghanistan with similar results. This is a political problem that require political solution as we are seeing now in Afghanistan. If you want to malign some one for bad law and order situation then malign those who defend these extremist and do not let the political consensus get developed. Instead programs like this project them as a sign of 'Change'.

One day, democracy will get the steering wheel of Pakistani car from  ignorant and self-centred righteous electronic media journalists in order to put Pakistan on the path of truth, hard work and prosperity.

Thursday 4 April 2013

The Democratic Selection

The democratic process gives people the right to select their representatives and this process of selection through casting votes, based on simple majority, is called election in Pakistan.

The political parties or the people in their individual capacity offer their candidature to the public to select them.

The law enforcement agencies are entrusted with law and order and in coordination with the justice system make sure that the environment is conducive for the public to use their right to selection without any influence. At the same time, these institutes make sure that no individual or the Organization able to influence the selection process, through ballet, through unlawful means.

The election commission's role is to make use of the infrastructure to provide each candidate level playing Field. For instance creating n upper limit for expenses and making sure that limit is followed by all individuals irrespective of their party affiliations or individual candidacy.

But no government institute or the election commission should create rules that restrict any individual from offering candidature. If some one is a tax evader then it is not election commission's work to disqualify the candidate. It is the work of the relevant department to use the justice system to bring the culprit to justice. The election commission, even if notified about any such credential issues, should categorically reject to get involved. Whether the political parties conduct intra-party elections, a candidate defaulted on a loan or couldn't pay a utility bill should not have to do anything with their candidature.

The election commission should run awareness programs, arrange transportation for the masses, coordinate law and order situation and try eliminating any departmental influence to favor an individual or a party contesting. Any individual or organisation threatening to use unlawful force to influence the elections by intimidating a particular group must be sorted outwith zero tolerance.

If the masses are given peaceful space without any influence then it is the right, duty and jursdiction  of the people to eliminate the loan defaulters, tax evaders that they have been made aware of  by the activities of the election commission. The election commission should not take this elimination process under its wings. Otherwise the people will have limited affiliation with the successful candidates 'pre-qualified' by the election commission. In that case the whole purpose of having election commission and election will be defeated.