Thursday 9 May 2013

The Art of Politics

In a few days time Pakistan is going to excercise its right to self governance. It is an historical landmark if achieved successfully. The last time Pakistan choked following the conspiracy hatched by the Mulla-Military Alliance (MMA) in 1977. The elected Prime Minister was hanged and the foundations were laid for the establishment of an exterme & Taliban state. The next 11 years saw the left, especially PPP, were singled out and publically humiliated and Right were publicly honoured. The political Islam was included in education slybus & state servents were praised and rewarded for being ultra-religious. In 1985, through the non-party based elections, political nation was divided into non-political clans, giving rise to the politics of 'Electables'. The local influence and resources, read money, became the tools for success. The National level leaders like the late BB started becoming irrelevent & Local body level leaders like Nawaz Sharif of PMLN started gaining prominence; therefore the 'development' became the yardstick of success at the center. This yardstick is still relevant as of today. The rulers of Punjab still ask for votes for their 'development projects', although it is a Local body level issue.

On May 11, 2013, Pakistan, after almost 36 years, will go to Elections based on issues (anti- Terror or pro-Terror) since 1977. This in itself is success. The PTI has gethered good support based on issues & parties like PPP, ANP & MQM are attracting voters based on issues as well. It doesn't matter whether liberal parties are allowed to do electioneering or not. The most important thing is Pakistan is democratically changing towards a sustainable democracy. Irrespective of the actual no of seats & victoy margins, New system will stand won.

The only thing that is going against PPP is the sense its voters are getting, to some extent, that 'a plot is being hatched' to keep it away from elections and victory. It happened in 1997 and PPP voters silently boycotted the elections. If PPP manages to make people aware that nobody is keeping PPP away then the TV ads, Newspaper ads and rest of the Electioneering is enough for huge PPP vote bank to cast their votes on the election day. If BISP figures are correct then all the rest of the parties should be ready for a massive surprise in terms of PPP wining the elections. The PPP so far has limited success in making their followers aware that due to Media, Judiciary and Independent election commission there is no plot being hatched. If PPP Jiyalas do not silently boycott elections then PPP should be able to retain its current position in all provincial assemblies & national assembly with an addition of about 10% seats & achieve simple majority to form government in Center with their Sindhi Allies. With Senate already secured for atleast another two years & PMLN supporting on real democratic issues, all is set for the current PPP-led system to continue & become a formidable forum of peoples' voices. 

This election would see the start of the elimination of regional and religious parties, another success of PPP idealogy. Come next elections in 2018 & there will only be a fight between the Right & Left on idealogical basis; not a small achievement by any standard. At that time Pakistan will have a vibrant and regulated media, a transparant judiciary and strong civil society with the advance Internet and communications links. Therefore, Pakistan is only one May 11(elections) away from realising the dreams of its founding father. The PPP will achieve its idealogical objectives and the honourable President his Best Revenage; the democracy.

Pakistan should come out to vote on May11, 2013 and beat the extermists, dictatorial & anti- people forces. The PMLN supporters, PTI Supporters & rest will be voting, not only to make their party win, but to strenghten the system put in place by the PPP & its allies.  Irrespective of the final seat count and name of the winning party, Pakistan will win and the credit will go to the Symbol of the federation, The Honourable President of Pakistan; Asif Ali Zardari.

Vote on May 11, 2013 & change Pakistan from a country of dictators & extermists into a country of peace loving democratic & responsible nation.

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