Sunday 7 April 2013

The Punjabi Media

As in case of all walks of life in Pakistan, the media is dominated by Punjab: predominately conservative and hence by default against left and right-left parties like ANP & PPP.

The programs' default design is against a particular group. In this program, for instance, three pieces of news were picked, all against PPP. This segment of the program is supposed to be about current news items about current government officials. When the PPP government was in power it was about the office holders of PPP. Now the government has changed. Instead of commenting the activities of current Interior Minster (as supposed to be according to the segment's purpose) but former Interior Minster is still being discussed. Since the purpose didn't allow to malign PPP, the purpose was ignored altogether along with facts: the government has changed.

So what is the purpose of this segment: to make public aware of the activities of their representatives in funny way or malign the 'chosen' ones? If the purpose of the segment is to highlight the activities of formers then why only PPP? First there was a coalition government and then  there was an interior minister in Punjab as well. Did this program malign the interior minster f Punjab for horrid things happened in Punjab like killing of two brothers in broad day light?

Mr. Malik was fighting with enemies that the whole world has been fighting for the last 12 years in Afghanistan with similar results. This is a political problem that require political solution as we are seeing now in Afghanistan. If you want to malign some one for bad law and order situation then malign those who defend these extremist and do not let the political consensus get developed. Instead programs like this project them as a sign of 'Change'.

One day, democracy will get the steering wheel of Pakistani car from  ignorant and self-centred righteous electronic media journalists in order to put Pakistan on the path of truth, hard work and prosperity.

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